Membrane by Michele Corriel


piranha stars turquoise 5

A big, fat, five out of five for Membrane!

About the book:

In the multi-verse people may look familiar, but no one is who they seem.

In a small town in Montana, Sophie lives with her quantum physicist mother, and her equally brilliant, but dangerously obsessed, step-father.

Her father disappeared years ago under mysterious circumstances, but Sophie is still haunted by memories of him that seem so real she swears she feels his presence one night as she drifts off to sleep.

Realizing that somehow her missing father is trying to send her a message, Sophie decides to take a big risk.

With her friend, Eli, Sophie must discover what strange experiment her father did and understand the startling impact it has on her world and another, just across the membrane dividing the multi-verse.

Cover of Michele Corriel's Membrane

Click for the preview and to buy

Review by Katy Haye:

Ooh, this was a very, very good book. The writing in Membrane was an absolute delight. I loved the dry voice which gave us comments from Sophie like, “I remembered the big sign, the bad artwork” about a school charity sale.

Sophie’s relationship with Eli was another delight. I adored their banter which showed a really solid and affection history behind them, and I loved how the relationship developed with good moments and awkward moments. Sigh. I also loved the trust between the two of them when a stereotype in a YA novel would have made them doubt each other and create drama from nothing.

There was, of course, no need to create drama from nothing because there was plenty of drama. The theory of multiverses is an actual, real thing (in short: there are an infinite number of universes out there and every decision in this world sparks a whole new future on a different world where the decision went the other way. I have to say, it creeps me the hell out!).

But it was beautifully handled by Michele Corriel: convincing and scary in all the right ways.

Membrane ends properly, but there is a drifting loose end and I really hope there’ll be more. I’d be very happy to spend time in any universe created by Michele. Thank you to YA Bound for bringing this one to my attention!

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